Lehman Therapy Salon
Welcome! Have a look around and join in the discussions (quick Log In above using your choice of email and name)
Pandemic Coping
Staying healthy, coping with illness or hardship, finding joy, managing mood, boredom busters, and more here.
0Poly/CNM and Sheltering
Are you sheltering in place and not sharing a bunker with all of your partners? This forum's for you!
Looking for resources or words of support? Have some to share? Substances/behaviors; sober or harm reduction.
0Pandemic Parenting
Crisis schooling, couped up kids, lacking peers for them and for you? It takes a virtual village.
Share what you are grateful for and what brings you joy. Maybe find some levity while here.
Humor and art are going to be our friends during a worldwide crisis. Share your good finds here!
0Remote Romancing
Online dating during odd times; camming; sexting; whether here for porn or poetry, welcome ;)
0COVID/HIV trauma
Many are reminded now of loss of health and life due to HIV. Share a memory, spread some wisdom, lend/seek support.
0Surviving SARS-CoV-2
Tested positive? Recovering or recovered from illness? Bunker mate sick? Share here.